"I find drumsynth to be sutch a good program, but however I've tried, it doesn't stabb as hard as Stomper."
- Darkside, Sunday, September 4, 2005
"Thank you for the info. http://www.bignews.com"
- Sofia, Wednesday, August 24, 2005
"Does anybody know where i can get .DS files for DrumSynth or where I can convert .wav to .ds"
- hdfhg, Sunday, March 27, 2005
"5/3 GOLD!"
- pab, Thursday, January 6, 2005
"HammerHead is tha bomb!!!!!!"
- santa C., Saturday, December 6, 2003
"HammerHead is tha bom!!!!!!"
- santa C., Saturday, December 6, 2003
"es un programa estupendo"
- sanadria, Sunday, October 5, 2003
"If you want synthetic drums this is a good program. Plus, if you have fruity loops you don't have to convert your drum synth patches to wav because fruity render automaticly them!"
- SamplingArt, Monday, April 21, 2003
"THIS IS THE WORST PILE OFCRAP EVER!!!!!! first of all i cant understanda fucking thing and second looks fucking stupid too"
- juuso, Tuesday, February 25, 2003
"i want more sound baaaaaakkkkksssss!!!
- fer, Thursday, January 9, 2003
"this program is pretty kool but alittle hard to get used to ive goten used to it and it just simply awesome...."
- abriel, Wednesday, November 20, 2002
"this program is pretty kool but alittle hard to get used to ive goten used to it and it just simply awesome...."
- abriel, Wednesday, November 20, 2002
"man this thing is a waist of time.if you want a real drum machine like my man rattle said, then go to the store and buy a real one, they ain't got nothin on here thats good."
- jamal, Sunday, October 13, 2002
"This program is great. Very easy to use and it enables the importing of .wav files. Yes, it is very limited, but it is also FREE and it should be more than enough to hold someone over until they can afford a beat machine. I highly recommend it. It would be great to have additional time signatures (6/8, 5/3, 3/4), tracks, and drum sounds on an upgraded version (perhaps charge for this version) but I refuse to complain about something that is free and this good. Seriously, all you need is this program and if you want to utilize different sounds, download some drum .wav files from a site like Samplecity.net and you're set!!!"
- R.A. Fiallos, Friday, October 5, 2001
"SUCKS!!!! U wanna real drum sound? Dont get this!! You want a headache and have to edit every sound in another sound editor, then go ahead. My advice, screw these programs, go to yer local music store and order a drum machine!!!!!!!"
- Rattle, Tuesday, October 2, 2001
"All i have to say this is a great program"
- chris , Wednesday, June 27, 2001
"This software is really awesome, because with it you can convert the different drum sounds it comes with to any type of sound you want, thus eliminating the need to go buy a drum machine, on da reel. Now, only thing I haven't figured out, is how to import samples form other drum machines into it, because there is an option on it to somehow import new "sound banks", but other than that, it's a must have for those into serious music production. Peace."
- nelson, Thursday, October 26, 2000
"I've used this prog for however long, it's absolutly flexible, and I'm continually amazed by how many differant timbres and effects i can create with it... This thing is the best of its kind that I have been able to find, it's really opened up my eyes to drum synthesis, thank you, as im sure thousands of other people have felt but never wrote..."
- TaciturnLife, Sunday, October 8, 2000
"This prog rocks, just as good if not better than stomper, well close, also Fruity Loops can read drumsynth files, and you can make some killer analog sounds with this machine. A must get! "
- syrusate, Friday, October 15, 1999
We would really appreciate if you who have downloaded this software would write a few lines about
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Note: This form is not for requesting support on this software (that's what the Forum is for).
Use it only if you have actually downloaded and tested DrumSynth.