Triplets are basically three notes that occupy the same space as two notes of the same value normally do. More info can be found here.
Just like it's possible to make beats in 3/4 time signature in HammerHead, it's possible to have HammerHead play triplets. And just like with
3/4 time, you will have to set the Total measures to three (or six).
The image below shows two measures of a traditional 4/4 rock beat. The bass drum (BD) and snare (SD) are hitting the quater notes and
the hihat (HH) is playing 8:th notes.

If we want to play 8:th note triplets on the hihat instead, we'll have to "stretch" the pattern a bit. In the above pattern, a quater note
"lasts" four buttons, from a yellow button to the blue button right before the next yellow one. Since we can't evenly spread three notes over just four buttons,
we'll have to increase the distance between the quater notes. If we make the quater notes "last" for six buttons instead of four (with BD or SD hits on the 1:st, 7:th, 13:th etc.), we can fit our triplets in the pattern.
Here's how the above rhythm with 8:th note triplets instead of just 8:th notes would be programmed in HammerHead:

Note that even though we now use three measures in HammerHead, the pattern is really just two measures long. This means that we have to raise the tempo to get the
same BPM in this pattern as in the first one. To make a 100 BPM drum loop, we will have to set the tempo to 150.
Finally, a couple of examples: