Largest sample: 51 kb Bit depth and sample rate have been reduced in the example files.
SAYIT 2.03
"Computer Speech Synthesizer"
I'm sure at one point or another you've run across a song that used a really
cool speech synthesized voice... Ever wished you could make the computer say
anything you want? Now, with AnalogX SayIt, you can! Inspired by the Speak & Spell,
SayIt can say any word (more or less) that you type into it. On some, you may
need to type them in the way they sound, instead of the way they are spelled,
but that's no big deal.
You have two options for the speech you enter; Preview or Render. If you
choose Preview (and have a sound device selected in the dropdown menu), then it
will say whatever you have typed in. If you choose Render, it will generate
the same speech as before, except it will output it into a mono, 16 bit, 44.1 kHz
.wav file.
There are several sliders, which you can move up and down, and do a
variety of manipulation of the speech... Most are pretty straightforward, and
the others are best played with to learn the results.
SayIt is a very fun (although maybe not extremely useful) app and it's very stable and bug free. It can
handle phrases up to 500 characters, more than enough for your average computer speech needs.
- Download size: 240 kb
- Installed size: 233 kb